On the 30th April the government introduced an update to the existing Permitted Development (PD) Rights. This included changes to the Class Q and Class R development rights, as well as those for new agricultural buildings. These new changes will apply from the 21st May 2024.


Key changes to Class Q- Agricultural to Residential:

  • Agricultural buildings no-longer part of an established agricultural unit can now be converted under Class Q.
  • The requirement for buildings in a current established agricultural unit to have been used solely for agricultural purposes has been removed.
  • Up to ten dwellings with a combined floor area of 1,000m2 can be created.
  • A maximum size of 150m2 for each individual dwelling has been introduced, this is a reduction to the previous limit of 465m2 per dwelling.
  • A single storey rear extension of limited size can be added provided it is located on existing hard standing.

The old PD rights for Class Q can still be used up to the 20th of May 2025 should you wish to make use of these.


Key changes to Class R- Agricultural to Commercial:

  • Additional conversion uses have been added; buildings can now be converted for –
    • The processing of raw goods produced on the site and which are to be sold on the site (excluding livestock).
    • The provision of agricultural training.
    • The use for sports, recreation and fitness.
  • The previous flexible uses to which a building could be changed are still permitted and include general industrial, storage and distribution, commercial, business and service and hotels.
  • The maximum floor space permitted has been increased to 1,000m2.


It is not possible to use Class Q or Class R to convert a building that has already undergone a change of use from agricultural.


Key changes to Class A and Class B of Part 6- New Agricultural Buildings:

  • For farms over 5ha (Class A) the size limit for new agricultural buildings has been increased to 1,500m2.
  • For farms less than 5ha (Class B) the size limit for new agricultural buildings has increased to 1,250m2.


Over the last year Carver Knowles has made multiple successful Class Q and R applications. If you have a redundant agricultural building and would like more details on how to apply for Class Q or Class R, or if you are looking at putting up a new agricultural building,  please contact one of the team on 01684 853400 or email enquiries@carverknowles.co.uk