Changes to Permitted Development Rights

On the 30th April the government introduced an update to the existing Permitted Development (PD) Rights. This included changes to the Class Q and Class R development rights, as well as those for new agricultural buildings. These new changes will apply from the 21st May 2024.   Key changes to Class Q- Agricultural to Residential: […]

Posted on May 24th, 2024 by

2020 application window deadline for Countryside Stewardship is fast approaching

    *** The deadline is fast approaching for 2020 Countryside Stewardship applications to be made *** Water Capital Only Grant: Contact to be made with Catchment Sensitive Farming Officer by 31st May 2020 Mid-Tier special options: Contact to be made with RPA by 31st May 2020 Mid-Tier application request: Application to be requested by […]

Posted on May 28th, 2020 by


In this blog Mike Cluley gives a very brief summary of the main points of the new Agricultural Bill that is passing through parliament so that consideration can be given as to what businesses should expect and the things that they should consider with the likely changes to future farm payments. Agricultural policy in the […]

Posted on March 4th, 2020 by

Countryside Stewardship Scheme Now Open!

The application window for the Countryside Stewardship Scheme (CSS) is now open. Successful agreements applied for this year will start in January 2021. With the impending payment reductions and phasing out of BPS from 2021 onwards, entering into the CSS may be a good option to assist with getting ready for the new world of […]

Posted on February 12th, 2020 by

Uncertain times…but not for farming?

Whilst our future relationship with Europe is uncertain, we are certain that the Basic Farm Payment will be gone in 6 years. To many this is a critical part of their farm income and replacing it will be a challenge. Whilst there will be a new environmental scheme to replace the Basic Payment Scheme, the […]

Posted on July 10th, 2019 by

What do I need to do if I am facing Enforcement Action?

Planning enforcement Planning enforcement is a procedure undertaken by Local Authorities where development has occurred without the correct planning permission. Once a notice of planning enforcement is served by the Local Authority the land owner has a limited amount of time to comply. Compliance can involve removing the structure or ceasing a use. Failure to […]

Posted on February 18th, 2019 by

Do I need planning permission for my equine development?

When it comes to horses the question of whether planning consent is required or not can become confusing. Most people are unsure what their permitted development rights are and what they may or may not need planning for. Change of use Horses can be grazed on agricultural land as long as they are not being […]

Posted on January 28th, 2019 by

Class Q Update

  This year an amendment to the General Permitted Development Order 2018 came into effect, making significant changes to Class Q rules. Class Q allows the conversion of agricultural buildings to dwelling houses. These changes have allowed an increase in the number of dwellings and the potential floor space, giving landowners greater potential for conversion […]

Posted on August 23rd, 2018 by

Living without Europe and Subsidies

Preparing for Brexit and the loss of the Basic Payment Scheme is causing businesses to rethink the way they have been operating. Many are focusing on finding efficiencies, diversifying into new areas or restructuring the businesses. So what are the opportunities for your business? Business Planning and Succession Having a five-year business plan of how […]

Posted on June 15th, 2018 by

Brexit:  Where do the opportunities lie?

British resilience

For or against, most people have a view on Brexit and whether it’s going to be good bad or just ugly. There are some key areas farmers and rural business owners need to consider over the next 12-18 months to make sure their business is well placed and as strong as possible as we enter […]

Posted on May 16th, 2017 by