We have had a number of successes in both removing and regularising Agricultural Occupancy Conditions for many of our clients over the last 12 months via a number of different routes.


Agricultural Occupancy Conditions referred to as Ag Ties are onerous planning conditions that restrict who can occupy a dwelling and result in significant reductions in a properties market value, commonly by up to 30%. Therefore if you are looking to sell or raise finance on your property it can be very beneficial to have the Tie removed and release this value.


As specialists in Ag Ties, we cover all possible routes for their removal and regularisation. What surprises many of our clients is that the 12 month marketing policy often quoted by many local authorities may not be the only route, particularly if the planning was not implemented correctly in the first place.


Whilst we are based in Worcestershire, our successes with removing Ag Ties and undertaking Ag Tie appraisals reach much further afield including Bath, Herefordshire, Devon, Leicestershire, Kent and many more. If you would like assistance in assessing whether it is possible to remove the Tie on your property then please contact either Andrew Troughton or Ellen Cottrell on 01684 853400 or by email andrewtroughton@fts.carverknowles.co.uk / ellencottrell@fts.carverknowles.co.uk.